The NSFM-Project hosted its third Parliamentary Public Engagement on ‘Opportunities for Namibia Arising from a National Forest Inventory’ on Tuesday, 14th of March 2023 in Windhoek. The Engagement was attended by Members of Parliament, particularly from the Standing Committee on Natural Resource Management and other parliament committee members with interest in natural resources. Experts in the field of sustainable forest management...
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In collaboration with the Parliament of the Republic of Namibia, the ‘Promoting Sustainable Forest Management in the Kavango-Zambezi-Region in Namibia (NSFM)-Project organized a Parliamentary Public Engagement in the National Assembly on 02 November 2021. The NSFM-Project is an initiative jointly implemented by the Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF) Namibia and the Desert Research Foundation of Namibia (DRFN) with funding from the European...
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