TH!NK Namibia News

Education For Sustainable Development In My Mother Tongue


It is in early childhood that children often experience the greatest environmental challenges, and this is time the foundations of many of their fundamental attitudes and values are first put into place. Also, through research and experience, we know that even very young children are capable of sophisticated thinking in relation to socioenvironmental issues. Therefore, the earlier Education for Sustainable Development...

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Introducing The TH!NK NAMIBIA Campaign: A Second Phase And New Look


 Sustainable development is everyone’s business. And as Namibia tackles a variety of environmental, social and economic challenges; it also has many opportunities to transform its economy into one powered by sustainable energy, efficient resource use, decent jobs and quality education. Public awareness, information sharing and capacity development are vital in order to continually make these opportunities for sustainable development a reality in Namibia. The first phase...

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Project Launch: Promoting Renewable Energies In Namibia (PREN) Project


The Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF) Namibia in collaboration with the Desert Research Foundation of Namibia (DRFN), main partners and broader stakeholders officially launched the Promoting Renewable Energies in Namibia project, on the 28th of September 2017 at NICE Restaurant in Windhoek. The event was aimed at introducing the PREN Project and outlining its objectives to various stakeholders. Moderated by Abraham Hangula from the Namibia Energy Institute...

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An Agri-Business Student’s Guide To Soil Conservation (Carbon Farming): One Way Of Addressing Climate Change In Namibia

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the many greenhouse gases that in increased amounts contribute to global warming and climate change that we are currently faced with in Namibia and the world at large. Soils and plants store a lot of carbon, nearly twice the amount found in the atmosphere. This stored carbon in the soil acts as the basis of...

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Blog Series 1: Youth And Climate Change – Climate Change And The Namibian Millennial (Part 2)


How Namibian Millennials Are Combating The Causes And Effects Of Climate Change Lifehack #1: Be Namibia’s Leo DiCaprio (on a budget) In my first blog post, I introduced you to the topic of climate change according to a Namibian millennial, whereupon I shared my views on climate change and shone the spotlight on climate justice. In this post I will be...

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Blog Series 1: Youth And Climate Change – The Youth: The Key To Combating Climate Change


In the beginning, when the greatest of all scientists breathed life in all ecosystems and biodiversity, everything was in unison with each other, from the flying birds, to the flowing rivers and flora and fauna. Everything was normal, so much so that ecosystems were interlinked without any disturbance. The weather patterns were normal, the harvests were exceptional and the temperatures were...

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Blog Series 1: Youth And Climate Change – Climate Change And The Namibian Millennial (Part 1)


Climate Change According To A Namibian Millennial Millennial; also known as Generation Y refers to those born between roughly the years 1980 and 2000. We the children born during and after the independent struggle, are the Namibian millennial. Critics call us the narcissistic, self-entitled generation; the trophy kids, who skip through life on the basis of participation is enough. I tend...

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Blog Series 1: Youth And Climate Change – A Youth Worker’s View On The Climate Reality Facing Today’s Youth


I grew up around rivers and enjoyed the rain every year. I never thought that one day I would see some of these rivers dry up. When I was younger I asked myself, what could have happened for the rivers to dry up? I thought the rains would always come and so everything would always flourish in accordance to the same...

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ThinkNamibia E-Newsletter: The Green Lightbulb, Issue 1

Read this snapshot of the activities of the ThinkNamibia team over January and February 2016. The Green Lightbulb, Issue 1 BY LESLEY-ANNE VAN WYK, THINKNAMIBIA ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS 

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Achieving The 2030 Agenda: Making Much Needed Linkages Between Environment And Health


On the 23rd of May 2016, world environment leaders and experts convened in a cloudy Nairobi at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) headquarters to open the second session of the highest-level decision-making body on the environment, namely; the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-2). The theme for the UNEA-2 is ‘Delivering on the environmental dimension of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development’. The UNEA...

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