TH!NK Namibia News

Kavango West Traditional Authority Received Training on Sustainable Forest Management


After having trained Traditional Authority representatives in Zambezi Region, the NSFM-Project visited Kavango West Region again to host another workshop with Traditional Authority representatives of Kavango West Region in Nkurenkuru on 17 May 2022. The workshops are one of the key components of the ‘Promoting Sustainable Forest Management in the Kavango-Zambezi Regions in Namibia’ (NSFM) Project that are aiming at improving...

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‘Fencing in Community Forests and Conservancies’ – Round Table Discussion in Nkurenkuru


The NSFM-Project organised another Round Table Discussion on the subject ‘Fencing in Community Forests and Conservancies’, this time in Nkurenkuru, Kavango West. On 16 May 2022, various representatives of the Kavango West Traditional Authorities, the Community Forests, the Communal Land Board, the Regional Council, the Directorate of Forestry as well as the Ministry of Lands met for this vital event. This...

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Another Five Community Forests trained in Sustainable Forest Management (PART 2)


From mid-March to the beginning of April, the ‘Promoting Sustainable Forest Management in the Kavango-Zambezi-Region in Namibia’ (NSFM) Project was in the field again and trained the members of five Community Forests in Zambezi, Kavango East as well as Kavango West Region on Sustainable Forest Management. The two-day long workshops aimed at equipping members of Community Forests with the necessary skills...

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Another Five Community Forests trained in Sustainable Forest Management (PART 1)


From mid-March to the beginning of April, the ‘Promoting Sustainable Forest Management in the Kavango-Zambezi-Region in Namibia’ (NSFM) Project was in the field again and trained the members of five Community Forests in Zambezi, Kavango East as well as Kavango West Region on Sustainable Forest Management. The two-day long workshops aimed at equipping members of Community Forests with the necessary skills...

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Excursion with Forest Management Committee Members to Kavango Regions performed

@miombo forest products sawmill Mr George .,Mr Bester.,Mr Martin.,Mr Leroy.Mr Ben., Mr Linus.,Mr Robert., Mr Andrew and Mr Kenny.

In the week of 28 February to 04 March 2022, the NSFM-Project invited 7 representatives of Forest Management Committees of Zambezi Region to join an excursion to Kavango East and West Regions. The excursion is a key activity of the ‘Promoting Sustainable Forest Management in the Kavango-Zambezi Regions in Namibia’ (NSFM) Project, an EU funded initiative aiming at contributing to an...

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Multipliers Trained on Sustainable Forest Management in Katima Mulilo


18 enthusiastic young men and women met for a two-day workshop on Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) in Katima Mulilo on 21 and 22 February 2022. Organised by the NSFM-Project, this workshop is part of numerous workshops that are aiming at improving knowledge and skills on SFM among Community Forest (CF) members, Traditional Authority (TA) representatives and Multipliers such as leading members...

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First Workshop with Traditional Authority Representatives on Sustainable Forest Management implemented


On 18 February 2022, the NSFM-Project continued its workshops on Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) in the Zambezi Region. This time, ten representatives of the Traditional Authority (TA) were invited to Katima Mulilo to take part in a one-day workshop. The workshops are one of the key components of the ‘Promoting Sustainable Forest Management in the Kavango-Zambezi Regions in Namibia’ (NSFM) Project...

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Panel Discussion on Sustainable Forest Resource Management in Katima Mulilo


Zambezi Regions' second Panel Discussion was organised under the topic ‘How to Integrate Local Communities as Equal Partners in Sustainable Forest Resource Management?’ on 17 February 2022. This event is a component of a larger series of public discussions around the topic of Sustainable Forest Management (SFM). The public discussion series takes place in the Zambezi and Kavango regions as well...

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  680 Hits

NSFM-Project Launched Educational Material on Sustainable Forest Management

20220211-0739572022-02-08-SFM-Edu-Material-01 Dr Clemens von Doderer, Mr Stafanus Kudumo, H.E. Sinikka Antila, Ms Miya Kabajani & Dr Martin Schneider

On 08 February 2022, the NSFM-Project launched its educational material on Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) in Windhoek. The series of eight fact sheets and four posters is an important component of the ‘Promoting Sustainable Forest Management in the Kavango-Zambezi-Region in Namibia’ (NSFM) Project, a collaborative initiative of the Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF) Namibia and the Desert Research Foundation of Namibia (DRFN)....

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Panel Discussion in Nkurenkuru – How to Integrate Local Communities as Equal Partners in Sustainable Forest Resources Management?

High Table Invited Presenters and Hon. Councillors

On 02 February 2022, the NSFM-Project visited Kavango West and organised a Panel Discussion in Nkurenkuru. The question under consideration was ‘How to Integrate Local Communities as Equal Partners in Sustainable Forest Resource Management?’. This event is a component of a larger series of public discussions around the topic of Sustainable Forest Management (SFM). The public discussion series takes place in...

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