I grew up around rivers and enjoyed the rain every year. I never thought that one day I would see some of these rivers dry up. When I was younger I asked myself, what could have happened for the rivers to dry up? I thought the rains would always come and so everything would always flourish in accordance to the same...
Read this snapshot of the activities of the ThinkNamibia team over January and February 2016. The Green Lightbulb, Issue 1 BY LESLEY-ANNE VAN WYK, THINKNAMIBIA ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS
On the 23rd of May 2016, world environment leaders and experts convened in a cloudy Nairobi at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) headquarters to open the second session of the highest-level decision-making body on the environment, namely; the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-2). The theme for the UNEA-2 is ‘Delivering on the environmental dimension of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development’. The UNEA...
Namibia ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1995. As a Non-annex 1 party to the Convention, Namibia is not obliged to reduce its Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. However the country’s dependence on energy from South Africa and its favorable conditions for renewable energy, makes the transition to a low carbon economy an important long-term strategy. Climate...
In this article I intend to communicate why gender matters in climate change vulnerability assessments. I would like also to demonstrate with findings from my research work on gender and climate change in Namibia why it is vital to recognise gender differentiated vulnerabilities to impacts of climate change for effective and equitable adaptation. Existing literature and on-going research indicates that climate...
Namibia has an excellent legislative and policy backdrop for environmental protection and sustainable resource management. However, its economy is highly dependent on natural resources including diverse rangelands, arable land, mineral deposits, ecosystems and biodiversity. Economic and social development will be negatively affected with the challenges posed by climate change; especially with regard to water availability, food and livelihood security. There has...
Addressing climate change calls for multiple approaches. Nowadays there are so many messages that tell us what we should or should not do that it is often di cult to know what is right and what is wrong. The Namib Desert Environmental Education Trust (NaDEET) tackles climate change education through a “we practice what we teach” approach. Within this context, the...
I farm in the great Kunene region and this year of all years we feel the impacts of climate change the most. The farming business has become very fragile as we depend on Mother Nature for watering our crops and the veld in which our livestock graze. As such, the highly unpredictable rainfall in Namibia negatively impacts our farming activities. It...
Climate change projections for Namibia project temperature increases of 1 to 4°C and increased variability in rainfall patterns. The climate risks associated with temperature increase and unpredictable rainfall will impact subsistence farmers and consequently the rural Namibian population that rely mainly on rain-fed agriculture. The Adaptation at Scale in Semi-Arid Areas (ASSAR) is conducting research to deepen understanding of the drivers...
The EU is committed to become a highly energy-efficient, low-carbon economy, and is therefore at the forefront of international efforts to tackle Climate Change. Building a European Energy Union with a forward-looking climate policy is a top priority for the European Commission. As such, the EU has chosen the headship mode of leading by example, being the first region to have...