TH!NK Namibia News

NSFM-Project hosted its first Public Discussion Event in Rundu


‘Sustainable Forests Management – Key to Adding Value to Local Development’ was the topic discussed during the High-Level-Expert Talk in Rundu on 08 April 2021. This successful High-Level-Expert Talk forms an important event in a series of upcoming Public Discussions in Windhoek, Rundu and Katima Mulilo which compromise key components of the ‘Promoting Sustainable Forest Management in the Kavango-Zambezi Region in...

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NSFM-Project Panel Discussion 25/02/2021


The Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF) Namibia in collaboration with the Desert Research Foundation of Namibia (DRFN and the Namibia Scientific Society (NWG) successfully hosted a Panel Discussion in Windhoek on 25 February 2021. Four experts from different backgrounds were invited to deal with the question ‘What is Sustainable Forest Management?’ in a lively online event. As the first event in a...

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Promoting Sustainable Forest Management in the Kavango-Zambezi-Region in Namibia’ Project Officially Launches at the House of Democracy


On 11 February 2021, The Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF) Namibia in collaboration with the Desert Research Foundation of Namibia (DRFN) officially launched the European Union (EU)-funded ‘Promoting Sustainable Forest Management in the Kavango-Zambezi-Regions in Namibia’ (NSFM) Project at a public event held at the House of Democracy in Windhoek. The NSFM-Project, with a planned implementation period spanning from October 2020 to...

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Environmental Awareness for Sustainable Development: A Resource Book for Namibia


With the COVID-19 crisis impact still present and weighing on us all, the current situation also provides an opportunity to look beyond our daily lives and to expand your knowledge. Given the myriad environmental challenges facing nations, it is important to have concrete resources from which and with which to manage existing environmental challenges. A common challenge, especially in Namibia, is a...

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Energy Access For Rural Healthcare Facilities


Access to electricity is critical to health care delivery and to the overarching goal of universal health coverage. However, the availability of electricity to support proper health services is less than adequate in many countries. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) studying over 4000 clinics and hospitals, about one in four health facilities has had an unreliable electricity supply. Clinics, maternity wards,...

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  1019 Hits

HSF trains 14 small business owners in Zambezi


A group of fourteen small business owners from different constituencies of the Zambezi Region recently received training from the Hanns Seidel Foundation in partnership with the Namibia University of Science and Technology, Namibia Energy Institute and the Zambezi Regional Council. The three days workshop aimed at helping small business owners develop business skills and identify business opportunities, help them identify renewable...

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Zambezi lectured on renewable energy and energy efficiency


The Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF) through its Promoting Renewable Energies in Namibia (PREN) project together with its partners Namibia Energy institute (NEI), Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) and the Zambezi Regional Council recently held a public dialogue focused on renewable energy and energy efficiency. The dialogue event, themed ‘Towards Making Global Goals and Agreements...

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Solar energy for rural schools in Zambezi


CHETTO – The Nsundwa Combined School in Zambezi Region this week became the proud recipient of a 3kW solar power system, which is much to the relief of teachers and learners. Situated in a flood-prone area, learners at the school had to rely on candles when studying at night.Nsundwa and Kandunda Kaseta Combined School in the Kongola Constituency benefited from the...

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Energy efficiency key to fight climate change


Ruan Bestbier: The Bank of Namibia’s report on Namibia’s second quarter performance found that fuel imports significantly contributed to the decline in the country’s current account. An analysis by PSG Namibia states that the value of fuel imports increased in part due to a rise in fuel consumption stemmed from higher electricity production at the Anixas diesel-run power plant. This emergency diesel...

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  725 Hits

“Stop selling our future”: Namibian youth demand for climate action


You can call it a historic month in the history of climate action and you would not be far from right. On 20 September 2019 young people from all over the world took to the streets of their cities calling on governments to address climate change as an urgent issue, demanding for action on climate change. Along the Independence Avenue, young...

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